We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.

Abraham Lincoln

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feeling unable to be comforted; inconsolable.


obsessively focused on a single subject or idea.


intensely enthusiastic or passionate.


giving or conveying a warning or reprimand.


a tiny trace or spark of something.


to limit or restrict the extent of something.


to state or assert to be the case; to affirm.


all future generations of people.


a nickname, especially one that is descriptive or familiar.


severe or strict in manner, attitude, or appearance; plain and simple.

True happiness is to enjoy…


Never let yesterday use up…

Will Rogers

More is lost by indecision…


Life is like riding a…

Albert Einstein

The best preparation for tomorrow…

H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

The pessimist sees difficulty in…

Winston Churchill

We are not what we…

Mary Catherine Bateson

You become what you give…


I’d rather regret the things…

Lucille Ball

Once you replace negative thoughts…

Willie Nelson

Research shows that customers are six times more…

Studies have shown that a man’s walking pace…

Before 1880, there was no official time standard…

People with a messy desk are more likely…

A study found that the most common PINs…

A study published in the Journal of Sensory…

The United Kingdom produces more than 750 different…

People who stay slim while eating freely often…

The phrase ‘pull out all the stops’ comes…

In the 1800s, an estimated 90% of ketchups…

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