The colour purple is a creation of the brain based on wavelength distributions - it doesn't correspond to any specific wavelength of light.

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Previous facts of the day

It costs 2.7 cents to produce an American penny.

The Rolls-Royce Ghost's soundproofing was so overengineered that the silence made occupants feel disoriented and sick. Acoustic engineers had to "harmonize" sounds to create a soft, continuous whisper.

Hurricanes and cyclones are named after people because, in the late 19th century, meteorologist Clement Wragge started naming them after disliked politicians, saying they were "causing great distress" or "wandering aimlessly."

Recent studies have shown that people with sinus issues are four times more likely to have anxiety and twice as likely to have depression.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are named after Norse gods: Tiw (Tyr), Woden (Odin), Thor, and Frigg (or Freyja). These day names reflect Roman influence, blending Germanic deities with the tradition of naming days after gods.

People started wearing pajamas, originally spelled “pyjamas,” instead of nightgowns so they’d be prepared to run outside in public during World War I air raids in England.

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