Swans mate for life, and have a divorce rate of up to 9%.

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Research shows that customers are six times more likely to buy romance or cookery books when they can smell chocolate. They're twice as likely to buy cleaning products when they can smell lemon

Studies have shown that a man's walking pace instinctively slows by 7% when with his wife or girlfriend, but not for other women, and speeds up when walking alongside another man.

Before 1880, there was no official time standard in Great Britain. Cities often kept their own local time, which could differ from neighbouring ones. Britain was the first country in the world to adopt a universal time system.

People with a messy desk are more likely to be creative. Some research suggests that messiness fosters creative thinking and problem-solving.

A study found that the most common PINs are 1234, 1111, and 0000, with 1234 being the most frequently used. The least common PIN was 8068.

A study published in the Journal of Sensory Studies found that the colour of a cup can influence the perceived taste of hot beverages - coffee in a white cup seems more bitter, while blue is the best colour for balanced bitterness.

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