People tend to overindulge when given a free pass, a behaviour known as the SnackWell Effect, named after low-fat cookies people often overeat. Similarly, low-energy light bulbs are often left on longer.

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There are more ethnic Norwegians living in the USA than in Norway.

Egg yolk colour preferences vary regionally. For example, Germans generally prefer darker yolks than UK consumers. Large-scale producers adjust yolk colour through feed to suit each market.

Purple has long been linked to royalty because, in Ancient Rome, it was made by fermenting snail secretions, requiring 12,000 snails for 1 gram of dye. Its rarity led Caesars to claim it exclusively.

A 4-day workweek trial in the UK was so successful that 54 of the 61 companies adopted it permanently. Productivity stayed high, some revenues grew by 35%, and workers reported better health and less burnout.

French toast originated in ancient Rome. The French called it 'Roman bread' for centuries before Americans coined the name 'French toast.'

Erik the Red, exiled from Iceland, named Greenland in 982 to make it sound more appealing and attract settlers to establish a community.

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