Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.

Jim Rohn

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deserving blame or censure; guilty.


to increase the power, status, or wealth of.


the language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people in a particular country or region.


growing old; aging.


force of character, determination, or nerve.


to state or assert to be the case.


written or spoken communication or debate.


an excessive amount of something; to cause someone to desire no more of something as…


a person’s ability to cope well with difficulties or to face a demanding situation in…


set free, especially from legal, social, or political restrictions.

However difficult life may seem,…

Stephen Hawking

The difference between a successful…

Vince Lombardi

The true meaning of life…

Nelson Henderson

A gem cannot be polished…


There is no genius without…


In the depth of winter,…

Albert Camus

Life is now in session….

John C. Maxwell

We can complain because rose…

Abraham Lincoln

One day your life will…

Gerard Way

Worrying is like paying a…

Mark Twain

It costs 2.7 cents to produce an American…

The Rolls-Royce Ghost’s soundproofing was so overengineered that…

Hurricanes and cyclones are named after people because,…

Recent studies have shown that people with sinus…

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are named after…

People started wearing pajamas, originally spelled “pyjamas,” instead…

Studies show that chewing gum boosts cerebral blood…

A Boeing 747 burns approximately 4 liters (0.9…

In Brazil, jails reduce prisoners’ sentences by 4…

Tennis player Andre Agassi won 10 of 11…

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