

in a state of moral or intellectual ignorance; unenlightened.

“Staring at the questionable burger before me, I wondered if my benighted decision to eat at ‘Uncle Bob’s Discount Grill’ would be my last.”

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to attribute or ascribe a quality, especially a fault, to someone.


physical weakness, especially as a result of illness.


loud, hearty laughter.


in a way that cannot be avoided; inevitable.


a thing added to something else as a supplementary rather than an essential part.


enthusiastic or passionate.


with an attitude or look of suspicion or disapproval.


clear, logical, and convincing.


skillful, ingenious, or complex; intricate.


the action of predicting future events or outcomes.

Care about what other people…

Lao Tzu

The most common way people…

Alice Walker

It’s not about money or…

Mark Cuban

The future depends on what…

Mahatma Gandhi

Persistence is the twin sister…

Marabel Morgan

Don’t dwell on what went…

Denis Waitley

Efforts and courage are not…

John F. Kennedy

Seventy percent of success in…

Woody Allen

Little minds are tamed and…

Washington Irving

It’s not the time to…

Rafael Nadal

A recent study found that medication absorbs fastest…

The oldest barrel of drinkable wine, dating back…

The term ‘shrapnel’ comes from Lieutenant-General Henry Shrapnel,…

Movie trailers were originally shown after the main…

The women’s world record for most push-ups in…

Research from Columbia Business School shows that job…

Even if the U.S. justice system were correct…

25% of all known animal species are beetles.

Penguins have a specialised gland above their eyes…

The reason British pubs have unique (and sometimes…

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