

achieved at excessive cost; of or relating to a victory that comes at such a significant cost that it is almost tantamount to defeat.

“I looked into the mirror, and a chubby ape stared back; my recent gains at the gym felt like a Pyrrhic victory, as I had lost all shape and definition.”

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bland or insipid intellectual fare; something that is overly simplistic.


sharpness or keenness, particularly in relation to the senses.


relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process.


lacking a plan, purpose, or enthusiasm; erratic.


a cause of great trouble or suffering.


irritable; bad-tempered.


the act of collecting, comparing, or arranging something.


sincere remorse or regret for wrongdoing.


walk slowly and with heavy steps, typically because of exhaustion or harsh conditions.


inspiring fear or awe; formidable.

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Peter Drucker

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James Keller

Everything we hear is an…

Marcus Aurelius

Your attitude is either the…

Denis Waitley

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Amelia Earhart

First say to yourself what…


Easy choices, hard life. Hard…

Jerzy Gregorek

When we fully attend to…

Dee Hock

Discomfort is the price of…

Susan David

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In 2016, Mozart sold more CDs than Beyoncé.

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