

to reject as having no authority or binding force; to disown.

“Iceland has consistently chosen to repudiate the need for armed forces, maintaining its stance of having no standing military since 1869.”

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to express a low opinion of something; to belittle.


the act of transferring something from one place to another.


a name or title.


dull in colour, especially dark or gloomy.


the acceptance of something without protest.


a feeling of amazement or admiration, caused by something surprising.


brave and persistent in facing challenges.


great pleasure or delight.


formal expressions of praise.


to cause inconvenience or discomfort to someone.

Don’t worry about failure; you…

Drew Houston

Thousands of candles can be…


It is not the strongest…

Charles Darwin

If there is no struggle,…

Frederick Douglass

When the pressure is on,…

Chris Voss

Give me a place to…


Opportunities multiply as they are…

Sun Tzu

You are never too good…

Thomas Parkinson

All medicine is like that….

Dr. William DeVries

The biggest temptation is to…

Thomas Merton

There are more ethnic Norwegians living in the…

Egg yolk colour preferences vary regionally. For example,…

Purple has long been linked to royalty because,…

A 4-day workweek trial in the UK was…

French toast originated in ancient Rome. The French…

Erik the Red, exiled from Iceland, named Greenland…

For the first time, US adults bought more…

Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt ate 100 McDonald’s Chicken…

Approximately 60% of people worldwide (4.5 billion people)…

The average American lost 2.6 IQ points due…

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